
Nassau Stage To See HTW Play in Swap

Theatre Intime of Princeton Will Come to Sanders with Its Shakespearean Offering

For the first time in history a University dramatic group will swap stages with actors from another school when the Harvard Theatre Workshop players journey to Princeton the first week in January for a three-day showing of Henry IV, Part I.

The arrangements, which started in Cambridge last weekend with several stage aspirants up from Nassau for the football game, will also see HTW's Princeton counterpart, the Theatre Intime, bring its version of Richard II to Sanders Theatre early in March.

To meet the New Jersey commitment without missing classes, HTW members plan to cut short their Christmas vacations, with a cast call in New York City before New Year's Day.

McCarter Theatre Granted

McCarter Theatre, one of the largest try-out stages in the country, will be the scene of the HTW's Princeton presentation and a Workshop spokesman last night expressed hope that many New York critics would make the one-hour trip for the occasion.


Theatre Intime's executive board has agreed to share with the University group the profits or any loss incurred by exchange of the two Shakespearean dramas.

"If this exchange of two universities' acting groups is a success, we probably will make it a yearly event," predicted Jerome T. Kilty '50, HTW president, last night.
