
Wallace Backers Starting Political Action Committee

Four officers took over leadership of the infant Harvard Committee for Wallace Monday afternoon following their election at the second membership meeting of the Student Council approved organization.

Emmanuel Margolis 1G received chairmanship of the new group. Also elected were Rolf B. Myerson '48, vice-chairman; Jerome E. Carlin '49, secretary; and Lazare Nesin '48, treasurer.

The meeting also adopted with changes, a constitution previously drawn up by the temporary steering committee, and formed four sub-committees on Political Action, Membership, Program, and Publicity, which will elect their own chairman later this week.

Official Sanction Pending

The new committee, which has yet to receive official recognition from University Hall, is an independent group with only loose connection with other pro-Wallace groups throughout the Nation. Their broad program is to attempt to organize State delegates, throughout the country to support Wallace at the National Convention in 1948.


First formal meeting of the new group will come on November 25.
