
Major Eban Sees Autonomous Zion State 'inevitable'

A Jewish state within Palestine was foreseen as inevitable last night by Major Aubrey Eban, Jewish Agency liaison officer at the United Nations, before a meeting sponsored by the Harvard and Radcliffe Zionist Society.

Eban declared that a "smash and grab" partition would result in the Holy Land after the withdrawal of British troops if the U.N. did not set up the mechanism for peaceful partition. He added, "It is to be hoped that the U.N. will prefer a peaceful solution to certain chaos."

Establishment of such a state must come in an atmosphere of international consent, Eban said, pointing out that almost all disinterested countries in the U.N. were in favor of such a settlement. He saw a "fair omen" for the future of international cooperation in the alignment of the United States and Russia on the question.

"The establishment of a Jewish state has much to offer to the world," Eban asserted.
