
Jayvee Booters Tie Princeton As Mudd Scores for Crimson

Just as in the Varsity game, a penalty kick made the difference in the Junior Varsity soccer game as Buzz Sawhill's Jayvees tied the Princeton Jayvees, 1 to 1, Saturday on the Business School Field. Center halfback Harvey Mudd's boot was the only Crimson Score, coming five minutes after Jim Wallace scored for the Tigers.

Before the game the Crimson elected Thomas B. Ragle '49 of Kirkland House and Boston captain.

The starting lineup: Gordon g; Harrop, rf; Schock, lf; Ragie (capt.), rh; Mudd, ch; Williams, lh; Soriano, lo; Gilbert, li; Chen, cf; Jessner, ri; Wallace, ro.
