The University band may play for President Truman Sunday.
In a telegram sent last Tuesday band officials offered in perform at the While House on their way back from the Virginia game.
Up to last night, however, they had received no reply, but confidently expected an answer. "We will call the White House direct if we have not heard by tomorrow morning," Thomas P. Howard '48, assistant director said yesterday.
"The 'Missouri Waltz' is not among the tunes the band intends to play," Howard said. "We understand that the President doesn't like the song."
Already scheduled as part of the Virginia game excursion are a parade, a banquet, and a concert in Richmond, Virginia the day before the game. Line of march is from the railroad station to the steps of the state capitol.
To Raise Money
Purpose of the concert is to raise the money necessary to transport the 120 redcoated players and their instruments down South. "In fact, the only thing the band expects to get out of the trip besides bankruptcy is publicity," Howard said.
Going along to insure some publicity and record the trip from start to finish is a Life magazine photographer, one of a trio who will cover the Harvard-Virginia activities.
Halftime Saturday will find fife and drummers ready for a battle-of-the-bands with a new Virginia medley which includes "Hike Virginia," Virginia Cavalier Song," "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia," and "Virginia Hail All Hail."
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