
Food Plan Wins Acclamation of Durant, Council

No action can be taken by the University for at least a week or ten days on President Truman's appeal for curtailment of food consumption, Aldrich Durant '02, business manager of the University, said yesterday.

Although Durant asserted he was "entirely in sympathy" with the Presidential plea, food supplies have already been ordered by William A. Heaman, superintendent of House dining halls, for the remainder of this week.

Appoints Delegates

By the end of the week, however, Durant hopes that student opinion on the food question will have crystallized enough to support some definite action by the University.

In another quarter last night, the Student Council prompty confirmed the appointment of three delegates to the New England Regional conference at Brown this Sunday of the World Student Service Fund. These include Chairman William S. Campbell '50, William J. Richard, Jr. '49, and Samuel M. Robbins '45.


Confer with Durant

Before making the trip to the Providence conference the delegates expect to see Durant, after which they will be able to discuss long range plans regarding the Truman proposals.

On still a third front the Graduate School Advisory Council proclaimed last night that they "heartily endorse" the University's willingness to cooperate with the government in stopping waste and reducing portions of critical foods.
