
Schlesinger May Carry Sacco Plea To Capitol Unless Governor Yields

The fight to place a plaque honoring Sacco and Venzetti on Boston Common will be taken to the Massachusetts legislature if the governor maintains his refusal to act, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History, said last night.

Professor Schlesinger, chairman of a committee to honor the two Socialists executed by the State of Massachusetts, was told by Governor Robert F. Bradford '23 that there was no useful purpose in 'stirring up the bitter passions and prejudices of 20 years ago.'

As to whether Sacco and Vanzetti had received a fair trial or were indeed guilty the governor said nothing, Professor Schlesinger commented. The governor, who has the power to recommend action to the legislature, decided the issue on political grounds, he stated.

"One of the strengths and glories of Massachusetts is her willingness to admit that a miscarriage of justice has occurred," he said. "You don't weaken justice but strengthen it when you acknowledge your mistakes," Professor Schlesinger continued, pointing out that a statue to Anne Hutchinson, banished from Massachusetts, now stands on the State House grounds.
