
Council Gives Go Signal for '51 Red Book

'50 Book Due Within Month, Say Editors

With the '50 Red Book only four weeks from subscribers' hands, the Student Council announced last night that competitions for executive posts on the '51 book would begin Wednesday evening. At the same time plans were going ahead to provide a Freshman Register for the Class of 1952.

Blinken to Attend

Editor Robert J. Blinken and Business Manager Donald Landis of the '50 Red Book will be on hand in the North Common Room of the Union at 7:15 o'clock Wednesday to meet Freshmen interested in trying out for the posts of editor, business manager, advertising manager and circulation manager.

To avoid "embarrassing situations" which have arisen in the past, a member of the Council's Freshman Affairs Committee will serve as acting business manager until the end of the competition on January 1.

'52 Gets Register


Next year's Freshmen will be the first since 1941 to have a Register. The book will, as before the war, contain pictures of the Class of 1952 and brief biographies.

The Union Committee also released last night a resume of expenditures on Union improvement over the summer. These include: 1) $500 for a new phonograph and record library, 2) $1500 for new photographic dark room and equipment, 3) $850 for common room improvements.
