
Soccer Squad Opens Season Against Tufts

Booters Rate Edge Over Jumbos Today

While upwards of 45,000 banner-waving fans file into Soldiers Field this afternoon, over in Medford a well-trained Varsity soccer team opens its season against the Jumbos from Tufts College. With returning lettermen at seven of the 11 positions, the booters rate an edge over Tufts which in the past has never been noted for particularly strong soccer squads.

Three weeks of practice in the comparative seclusion of the Business School Field have left the Crimson in fairly good condition for their opener and all potential starters will be able to play with the exception of forward Phil Potter who is out with a strained knee.

Tufts 'One-Man Team'

The Jumbos, who did not have preseason practice as did the Crimson, are primarily a one-man team built around a fast, shifty Liberian Negro named Morris who rates as one of the best ball-handlers and play-makers in the New England area. An unpaid player on several of the semipro elevens around Boston during the off seasons, Morris scored close to half of the Jumbo goals last year.

The starting lineup for the game is: Bacheldor, g; Scully, r.f.; Burrows, l.f.; captain Mavor, l.h.; Ogden, ch.; Louria, r.h.; Spivak, r.o.; Blanco, r.i.; Heisler, c.f.; Chun, l.f.; Dawson, l.o.


Yardlings Meet Tabor

Like the Varsity, the Freshmen soccer team heads for foreign ground this afternoon, taking off for Tabor Academy to open its season. Nobody' on the Crimson coaching staff knew anything about Tabor, but Poley Guyda, Freshman coach, thought his Freshman team was "better than the average of the last few years."

The probable starting Freshman lineup is: Snook, g.; Darrell, r.f.; Wogan, l.f.; Weiss, r.h.; Gabler, c.h.; Hansen, l.h.; Houston, o.r.; Johnson, i.r.; Wolf, c.f.; Pierce, i.i.; Gordon, o.l.
