
Shapley Tells Social And Natural Sciences To Unite for Peace

"A scientist is a citizen who has added responsibility because of his specialized training," Harlow Shapley, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy, declared last night in explaining the raison d'etre of the newly formed Students Association for Natural and Social Sciences.

Speaking in Leverett Junior Common Room before an overflow first meeting of the organization, Shapley asserted that the social and natural sciences must unite in the battle to achieve "one world."

Shapley also hit out at newspapers for playing up U.S.-Russian dissension, while ignoring such examples of international cooperation as interchange of scientific and meteorological information. "You don't know about cooperation because you read the wrong newspapers," he declared.

Turning to the problem of international squabbles, Shapley rapped American complacency: "We tend to think that the cleavage comes from the Kremlin, and not from Wall Street, as Wallace said or from Washington."
