
Taft to Lunch With Faculty Here at Noon

Will Give Two Talks In City During Day

Senator Robert A. Taft will call time out between speeches in Boston today to lunch with University officials at the Faculty Club on Quincy Street.

The co-author of the Taft-Hartley Bill will sandwich the dining date between a talk to the National Association of Attorney Generals this morning and a speech tonight at the Boston City Club on the cost of living in relation with the President's call for a special congressional session.

Argues on Bill

The senator's appointment this morning will feature a discussion of his labor bill with Herbert Thatcher, associate counsel of the American Federation of Labor.

A special menu has been planned for less" program to the nation as his so-Taft, who two weeks ago offered an "Eat lution to the present food crisis. It could not be learned last night whether the special bill of fare conformed with the Meatless Tuesday edict.


Linked With Stassen

Senator Taft, who will be faced by both friends and foes at the Faculty's noon repast, has set political dopesters astir in recent weeks by his repeated appearances on the same platform with Harold E. Stassen, only avowed Republican presidential candidate and former Governor of Minnesota.

Stassen has often denied that he would accept a second place on a ballot with Thomas E. Dewey, but has never made a similar statement concerning Taft.

Taft, who will return to Washington tomorrow, was invited to the Faculty Club after a correspondence with the Attorney General's office.
