"Love in a Village," eighteenth century comic opera, will be staged jointly this December by the Idler and the Choral Society, Radcliffe's two largest organizations, and the Harvard Glee Club.
This pooling of talent will occur for the first time since the three groups presented Gilbert and Sullivan's "Iolanthe" during the war. The cast, announced last night by May Bloom '48; Idler chairman, will be headed by Peter H. Davison '49 and Martha Hopkins '48.
Included in the complete cast are: Walter Aikman '51; James R. Blake '48; Francis S. MacNutt '46; Richard Murphy '51; Wilfred M. Pickles '48; John A. Swanson 2G; William Whitehead '50; Kay Matthews, Radcliffe '51; Francena Thomas '49; Patricia Troxell '49; Natalie Basso, Radcliffe '49, and Mary Francis McGrath '50 as members of the chorus.
Best Since "Beggar's"
The vehicle, the most famous ballad opera after "The Beggar's Opera," was first given in Covent Garden in 1762--so successfully that the playgoers of the time deserted Drury Lane, and David Garrick barely escaped bankruptcy.
"Love in a Villege" will be given four performances at Agassiz Theater, on the evenings of December 10, 11, and 13, and in the afternoon of December 14. Mrs. Mark A. DoWolfe Howe will direct the production, assisted by Carol LoCascio, Radcliffe '50, and William F. Russell 3G, aid to the director of the Choral Society.
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