To the Editors of the Crimson:
In Wednesday's editorial, the Crimson described Henry Wallace as the recognized leader of the liberal element within the Democratic party, and commented that he should be heard for this reason. Certainly, Mr. Wallace represents a definite viewpoint, and this viewpoint should be considered by all who believe that free discussion and inquiry is the best way to arrive at the truth. But to say that Mr. Wallace speaks for liberals implies an acceptance of his total position. In condemning the Taft-Hartley Bill, in calling for price controls to stop inflation, in fighting against Universal Military Training, in advocating support of dynamic democratic socialism in Europe rather than mere military "containment" of Russia, Mr. Wallace finds widespread liberal support. On the other hand, when he describes American foreign policy as imperialistically motivated, when he refuses to admit the heartening progress toward liberalism in the rise to power of the Sophoulis government in Greece, when he refuses to differentiate between liberals and pro-Communists in the CIO and American Veterans Committee, and when he urges American liberals to work within the same political action organizations as American Communists, Mr. Wallace falls into grave error.
A "liberal," in essence, must be one who is for economic security and political freedom for al people everywhere, and is opposed to all forms of totalitarianism. A liberal foreign policy, while recognizing with Mr. Wallace, the deficiencies of our State Department and the past failures of our foreign policy, must still have the courage to recognize that on control of atomic energy, on the indiscriminate use of the voto, on the guerrilla warfare in Greece, on the setting up of police states in Eastern Europe, it is the Soviet Union which is at fault, and that the United States must take its stand in the United Nations against these Soviet policies in order to preserve a world of peace and social progress.
It is this position which is supported by the over-whelming majority of American liberals, the majority, that on these points of difference, rejects Henry Wallace as its spokesman. Don S. Willner '47. National Chairman. Students for Democratic Action.
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