
Radio Coverage Of Coming Tilts

Future Crimson football games this tall will be carried by the following radio stations:

Holy Cross, October 18--WHDR; WACE; WHOB; WKNB, New Britain. Connecticut; WHIM, Providence; WRRK, Pittsfield: WAAR, Worcester.

Dartmouth game, October 25--WHDR; WHOB; WKNB; WKXL, Coucord, New Hampshire: WKBR, Manchester, New Hampshire.

Rutgers game, November 1--WRDH

Princeton game, November 8--WHDR; WACE; WOR, New York; WPPG, Atlantic City, New Jersey: WTTM. Trenton New Jersey.


Brown game, November 15--WHDR; WACE; WEAN. Providence.

Yale game, November 22--Eighteen stations from Boston to Wilmington.
