
Hoop Practice Starts as 25 Contests Are Slated

Barclay Puts 23 Men Through First Drill Of Invitation Squad

Lights were on in indoor Athletic Building gym last night even though the last of the over-flow students had moved out earlier in the day. Varsity basketball coach Bill Barclay was putting 23 of his charges through their first workout in preparation for the 1947-48 campaign.

At the same time Barclay announced the season's 25-game schedule, including a Midwestern invasion which will include such unprecedented opponents as Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan State during the Christmas vacation. Other teams who will face the Crimson quintet in their first post-war meeting are West Point, Bradley Tech., and Springfield.

Now by Invitation Only

The present squad consists only of those men invited out but Barclay has set November 1 as the day he will ask for all College aspirants to try out.

Two members of last year's starting five, guard Chip Gannon and forward Bill Brady, will not be able to report until they have completed their football duties on November 22.


The team will be built around Captain George Hauptfuhrer who set a Crimson all-time scoring record of 398 points last year, and will feature such newcomers as Erv Tomsovic, who caught assistant coach Lloyd Harper's eye during summer workouts, and Walt McCurdy, voted "the outstanding basketball player in Naval athletics" after becoming high scorer for the Iowa Seahawks, Navy national champions.

Last year's Freshman captain, John Rockwell, who averaged 21 points a game with the Yardlings, will also be on hand to bolster the squad.

Varsity Hoop Schedule

Dec. 3 M.I.T. at M.I.T

Dec. 6 Brown At Harvard

Dec. 9 Boston University at Garden

Dec. 13 Tufts at Medford

Dec. 16 Bradley Tech. at Garden

Dec. 20 Boston College at Garden

Dec. 29 Michigan State at E. Lansing
