A near free-for-all Yard riot, precipitated by taunting high school youths and water-throwing Freshmen, was broken up at 11:30 o'clock last night by Yard police, who dispersed an angry crowd congregated around the south entrance of Thayer Hall. In addition the police rescued a Strans Hall proctor from possible mob violence.
The demonstration started, Yard police said, when a group of about 50 youths...boys and girls returning from a nearby high school dance through the Yard, paused to shout at lighted windows. A proctor in Strans Hall, attempting to remonstrate with the group, was nearly set upon by the mob. Yard police claimed.
Another group of about 30 high school students gathered under windows at the south end of Thayer Hall. When Freshmen began to loose buckets of water, the youths replied with increased jibes and a few rocks until Yard police intervened.
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