For Crimson grid fans who can pry themselves away from their radios this afternoon, there will be plenty of seats available at Soldiers Field when the Jayvees swap broadsides with the Fargo Building Navy Base eleven. Hostilities will commence at 2:30 o'clock at the enclosed Freshman practice field. There will be no admission charge.
Coached by Butch Kissell, who used to smack the line for Boston College, the Sailors have flattened two Boston Park League teams so far this season. Their T-formation attack is especially tailored to fit the capabilities of a bruising fullback named Yarborough, formerly of the University of North Carolina, Halfback Arnold is expected to toss most of the passes for the Navy team. Although the Jayvees were undefeated last year, Coach Boston expects that the going will be rougher this season.
Probable Jayvee Lineup: lc, Cady; lt, Reed; lg, Stensrud; c, Peabody; rg, Powell; rt, Davis; re, Leavitt; qb, Miklos; lhb, Sullivan or Brady; rhb, Rossiter; fb, Adams
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