A terse communique from the White House-"The President is too busy"-halted abruptly yesterday the Band's hopes of performing be for a Presidential audience Sunday.
Thwarted in its attempt to give a concert on the White House lawn, the Band management revealed that the 110-man unit will perform on the step of the Capitol instead.
The band had offered to play for the President on its return from the Virginia game, but Presidential secretary Matthew J. Connelly was forced to forego the offer because of the Chief Exacutive's heavy schedule.
Connelly said "While the kind offer is very much appreciated, I regret to say that the Presidential engagement calendar is so crowded-these busy days that it will not be possible to arrange for the concert you generously suggest."
All Not Lost
All was not lost, however, for Jay Skinner '48, band manager, announced that he would serenade Washington from the Capitol steps. Permission to play Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock was obtained yesterday from Chief Architect Lynd of the Capitol in a long distance phone call.
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