
New Trackmen to Augment Varsity, Freshman Squads

Meets with Andover and Exeter On Next Month's Program; Spring Track Looms Beyond

"There's plenty of room for everybody," assorted head track coach Jaakko Mikkola yesterday as he dusted off the Freshman welcome mat outside Briggs Cage Naturally, like any good coach, the Varsity mentor was speaking with one eye on the incoming Freshman tide, waiting expectantly to see what it would wash up in the way of track material.

But he was not exaggerating altogether. There is considerable room for new Freshmen with a hankering for trackish traditions like wintergreen, warm-packed loam and cinders, sweatsuits and leather running shoes. The current Freshman team has more openings than a hunk of swiss cheese, and the Varsity has a few cavities, too, particularly in the sprint department. Freshman veterans are eligible to fill these cavities.
