
Four-Man Board Is Named To Begin Advocate Revival

Donald B. Watt, Jr. '47, Will Head Committee Designated by Magazine's Cambridge Trustees; Group Told to Plan First Issues, Sell Subscriptions, Seek Talent in College

The first definite step in getting The Advocate back into print was taken yesterday when the Cambridge branch of the magazine's trustees announced that a four-man committee, headed by Donald B. Watt, Jr. '47, of Leverett House and Putney, Vermont, had been named to prepare the ground for a first issue.

The date of the initial issue has not yet been set, but the middle of the spring term will probably be the earliest physically possible.

Two as Advisers

Watt's committee, will include John McC. Howison '47, of Dunster House and Bogata, Texas; Henry McN. Jones '45, of Adams House and New York City; and Lloyd S. Gilmour '49, of Straus Hall and Glen Head, Long Island, Harold W. Smith '44 and Kingsley Ervin, Jr. '45, presidents of the Advocate in 1942 and 1943 respectively, will act as advisers to the committee.

The committee will operate in an interim capacity until a full meeting of the trustees is held sometime within the next two or three months, to pick a permanent board. In the meantime, Watt's group has been charged with three basic duties.


The board rooms, on the second floor of the Advocate building, must be readied for occupancy.

The committee must start a subscription drive before the appearance of the first issue.

Lastly, they must plan a future issue or issues and conduct a survey of undergraduate talents and possible candidates for the magazine.

Speaking for the Cambridge trustees, William Bentinck-Smith '37 emphasized that the committee was essentially an interim arrangement, set up with a view to getting the organization going, and that it did not mean the elimination of other interested undergraduates from election.
