
470 to Register Today, Maintaining College Enrollment at Record Level

Half of New Arrivals Are Returning Vets; 40 to Sleep in Gym

Thirty minutes after the Memorial Hall clock booms out the matin eight bells today, 470-odd sweating registrants will begin their scramble for seats on the Harvard academic band-wagon, already holding a record crowd of over 5,000 men.

Running the Mem Hall gamut will not be a new experience for 50 percent of the new arrivals, who are returning to the College after sojourns in the service. The remaining 50 percent, however, nearly all of whom are also veterans, will have to be content without the accorded other entering Freshmen.

Bide a While in '50

Until the Freshman members of the registering contingent can be given war service credits, they will be designated as Class of 1950c, swelling the total first-year enrollment to an unprecedented height near 2,250.

As a prenatal extra-curricular activity, starting last night the newcomers have been looking around for a place to sleep and drop their bags. All but 40 have been assigned rooms; but Robert B. Watson '37, associate dean of the College, expects complications where, particularly in Claverly, graduate students were slated to move out only yesterday. The evacuees, he explained, are in the midst of final examinations.


For the landless 40, cots and space in the Hemenway Gymnasium have been allocated with no other hope than an announcement from Watson that they should be in rooms by the end of February.

Aarons through Myzygys are to register between 8:30 and 12 o'clock this morning followed by Naascences to Zyznicks in the afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock. Anyone who misses the bargain offer today will get another chance at a fire sale in Mem Hall tomorrow between 8:30 and 1 o'clock.

Skip English A

For the veteran or transfer student who would just as soon bypass the required Freshman English A course, an anticipatory examination is scheduled for tomorrow from 11 to 1 o'clock. Placement tests in German, Spanish, and Physics will occupy the rest of tomorrow afternoon.

More placement tests on Saturday--in French and Chemistry--and a reading test required of all new students, will leave the early registrants free until Monday when they must seek out Freshman Advisers and Departmental representatives for consultation.
