
Sellers Named to New Post in ADA

Following up his college career as a leader of liberal action, Charles G. Sellers '45, former president of the Liberal Union, will step into the job of Field Secretary for the student division of the newly formed Americans for Democratic Action in February.

The A.D.A. was organized early this month by prominent New Dealers Leon Henderson, Wilson Wyatt, and Chester Bowles for the purpose of uniting non-communist left-wingers. The student division is based on the United States Student Assembly, which incorporated itself into the A.D.A. and is now called Students for Democratic Action.

Student-Adult Liason Needed

Sellers' job will be organizing chapters in the South and Mid-West, and maintaining liason between the student and adult organizations. "The enthusiastic nationwide response to the formation of the A.D.A. indicates that it can become the rallying point for a strong insurgence of American liberalism, lately confused and leaderless because of the role played by the old liberal organization as uncritical apologists for the Soviet Union," Sellers said yesterday.


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