
New Council Constitution Ready for College Vote After Lengthy Revision

Freshmen and Houses to Receive Representation in Proposed Document; Nominating Board will Select Class Candidates; Two-Thirds Majority Necessary for Draft Approval

Revision of the Student Council's constitution was put into final form for submission to the College last night by the Revision Committee which has been meeting regularly since early October. Coming as a climax to agitation which began last summer for reform of the present constitution, the new document has eliminated the appointive offices on the Council and allowed for House as well as class representation.

Submitted to the Council for consideration on December 16, the constitution was returned to the Committee for further consideration in regard to class representation and the problem of Freshmen elections. With the fruit of their labors facing student approval in College-wide elections on Thursday and Friday, February 6 and 7, the Committee is preparing copies of the constitution which will be placed in all the House libraries, Common Rooms, and the Union.

Two-thirds of a majority of the College will be required to put the new instrument into operation. If the draft is accepted each House will elect one man to the Council sometime in February. Electees will merely fill out the terms of the seven or more members whose terms expire on February 3. The first regular full election under the new constitution will be held in May, when a '47-'48 Council will be named.

Complex Election Process

Nomination and election procedures will be somewhat more complicated under the new system. As finally constituted, the Council will consist of one man elected from each House, two Seniors, two Juniors, three Sophomores, and two Freshmen, in an advisory capacity, appointed by the Union Committee. House representatives will be nominated in open meetings to be held in each House, while the class representatives will be chosen by a 12-man nominating board.
