
Abolishing of Argentine Pro-Nazi Regime Less Important Than Unity Of Hemisphere, Says Vandenberg

Vandenberg Wants Rio Parley

WASHINGTON, January 12 Demands for casing the United States policy toward Argentina were raised in the Capital today to reinforce the proposal of Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich) to call the Rio De Janeiro conference immediately to negotiate permanent hemisphere defense.

From Sonators of both parties and former Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles came support of the plea voiced last night at Cleveland by the New Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that this government cease to "dictate" delay by objections to Argentina's Peron regime.

Vandenberg returned by plane today with Secretary of State Byrnes who made it clear in a valedictory address from the same platform that he favors no change in the policy. Byrnes declared there must first be "reasonable and substantial compliance by Argentina with its obligations" to get rid of Nazi influence.

Vandenberg in his first speech as Committee chairman expressed hope for continuation of bi-partisan support for an American "united front" toward other nations.

Senator George (D-Ga) joined in Vandenberg's proposal to call the Rio conference. He told an interviewer he believes "perhaps the State Department has been putting too much emphasis" on Argentina's obligations first to get rid of pro-Nazi elements.
