
Smoother Food Service for Union Predicted by Secretary Bradford

Declaring that "the situation is improving all the time," William C. Bradford, newly-appointed secretary of the Freshman Union, yesterday predicted less delay and smoother service in the Union dining hall in the near future.

Bradford, former Teaching Fellow in Economics and first Union secretary since the building was leased by the Navy for post-war civilian use, stressed the fact that the present crowded situation in the dining hall was temporary, and pointed out that measures have already been taken to serve more Harvard men in less time.

Chief among these is the preparation of new check-off-lists, upon which each man will be assigned a number, eliminating the bottleneck producing procedure of signing for meals. Commencement of classes will also tend to stagger at least the breakfast and luncheon lines, and the opening of the new graduate dining hall in Vansert Hall Monday eases the burden still further.


A few statistics showing approximately how great that burden is were cited by Bradford. Over 1500 men are served at each meal, yet chowline-weary veterans were informed that no man, according to a survey taken yesterday, stands in line over nine minutes. "That's about as much as we can expect right now," Bradford added.


The job of feeding a major share of Harvard thousands is but one of the many duties handled by the new secretary. His primary function is to act as adviser, leader, and sponsor for Yardling social activities.

The Union will reopen its social season on an all-College basis within the next few weeks. Men of all classes living in the Yard, Claverly, and Dudley halls will be represented on a Union Committee to sponsor and administer extra-curricular activities.

Bradford invited suggestions and comments from men taking their meals at the Union.
