
Petrillo Returns to Action In Spirited Football Drill

Tailback Rejoins "A" Eleven; Varsity Will Name Captain Before Connecticut Contest

Sidelined since, the beginning of Varsity practice with an irritating non-football injury, Pete Petrillo, highly regarded Freshman tailback, put in a full afternoon's work on Dick Harlow's "A" team yesterday, as the Crimson squad ran through a spirited workout at Soldier's Field.

The coaching staff also announced that selection of a captain for this year's squad will be made immediately before the opening game with Connecticut on Saturday.

Petrillo and Boston

Petrillo's appearance, and his subsequent competent performance in the passing and signal drills, gives Harlow heartening depth at the vital climax-runner slot, for George Boston, who will share tailback duties with Petrillo on Saturday, has been a consistently proficient performer in the Crimson's preseason workouts.

Another note of hope was introduced with the revelation that fullback Vince Moravee, injured at practice on Monday, is not so badly hurt as was feared originally, and he may see duty on Saturday. The status of the injured Emil Drvaric, a first-string guard from the first moment he donned a suit at Dillon Field House, is likewise in doubt.


With so many of his front-line charges on the doctor's list, Harlow hasn't held any scrimmages thus far this week, but Chief Boston's Jayvee squad, which opens its schedule against the Tufts Junior Varsity on Saturday, put on a contact session of its own, in which fullback Paul Shafer showed enough promise to be elevated to the "B" team for the balance of the afternoon.
