
Crimson Booters Tussle Worcester In Friday Opener

Experienced Returning Players Boost Squad for Game Here; Coach MacDonald Optimistic

Like every other team in every other college all over the country, this year's Varsity soccer team is loaded with talent. Once again it is the familiar story of the return of all the veteran players of the last four years plus a liberal sprinkling of new faces, and James "Mac" MacDonald, head coach of the team, is worried only about being able to weld a team out of the mass of experienced players before Friday's opener.

"Every day somebody new shows up," MacDonald said at yesterday's practice. "Why, only today three of the best forwards I've had in the last few years reported for practice, and I did not even know they were back in College."

The squad is especially strong in the defense positions, with as many as three men competing for each halfback and fullback slot. Forwards are not quite as numerous, but MacDonald points out that the material for his potential starting forward line is the best he has had for many a year.

"If I only were sure that every team we meet has not improved as much as we have," says MacDonald, "I would not hesitate to predict a successful season, but the trouble is that every coach I talk to says the same thing."
