
20 Students and Wives Move Into Hotel This Noon

Old Boston Hotel Ready for Occupancy in Two Weeks; Accommodates 115 Couples

Having completely renovated part of the old Brunswick Hotel, the University plans to move in approximately 20 students and their wives at noon today. The project, aimed at alleviating partially the housing shortage for married students, will quarter only couples without children, since no cooking will be allowed in the rooms.

The five sleeping floors of the hotel, which was built in 1874 at a cost of over $1,000,000, are planned to accommodate 115 couples at prices ranging from $25 to $80 per month and are expected to be ready for complete occupancy in two weeks.

Cafeteria-style morning and evening meals will be provided at a rate of $1.25 per day per person in what was formerly the Copley Square officers' club in the basement of the hotel.

All suites except the lowest priced ones consist of two rooms and a private bath, with only those renting under $45 sharing a bathroom. The only $80 suite has larger rooms and has been furnished by a private, party.

Hunneman and Company of 5 Arlington Street, Boston, have been contracted by the University to manage the hotel and Thomas Connors has been appointed resident manager.
