
Dudleyites Face Eviction; Grads Will Take Over

College May Reassign Students In Indoor Athletic Building; Officials Check House Rooms

Permanent undergraduate residents of Dudley Hall face eventual replacement by graduate students as the commuting center's dormitory section becomes the third member of the graduate housing fold, Associate Dean Robert B. Watson '37, College housing chief, announced yesterday.

While giving hope to some grads living in the Indoor Athletic Building, Watson could only offer possible reassignment to the Houses for the present Dudley inhabitants with more probable re-location in the Yard or in Claverley Hall.

The scale of moving, expected to be small, is dependent upon openings in the Houses uncovered by rooming officials, who are now tabulating registration figures. The master of the House in which a vacancy occurs will select a man from the Yard, Dudley, or Claverley to fill it. A Dudley undergraduate will then be transferred to the new vacancy so that a graduate student can take his place.

Watson has no solution as yet for the problem created when the October 15 deadline for the graduates now in the Athletic Building arrives.

The sleeping situation for the other men temporarily living in the gymnasium has been alleviated, according to Dan H. Fenn, Assistant Dean of the College in charge of Yard housing. All applications for rooms in the Yard have been filled.


Undergraduates staying in the Athletic Building have been shunted to normal College living quarters after waiting not more than a day or two. A final picture of undergraduate housing, upon which further transfers depend, is expected by Watson within the next few days.
