
Two New Courses to Be Offered in Chem

Organic Chemistry Slated to Be Given in Spring Term; Chem 31 Is Scheduled for Autumn

Two half courses, both in the field of Chemistry, have been announced by that department. Arrangements were completed too late for their inclusion in the most recent catalogue.

The courses are:

For Undergraduates an Graduates

Chemistry 31. Radioactive and Stable Isotopes.

Half-course (fall term). Two lectures per week and a third at the pleasure of the instructor at hours to be arranged. Reading and reports. Dr. E. L. King.


Open to those who have passed Chemistry 2, 4 and 6 and to others who satisfy the instructor of their fitness to take the course. physics 1 is desirable preparation but is nor required.

Primarily for undergraduates

Chemistry 2a. Organic Chemistry (elementary course).

Half-course (spring term). Lectures probably Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 o'clock, laboratory work, six to eight hours a week at times to be arranged. Dr. Gensler and assistants.
