
Best Grid Places Drawn by Lowell

Drawings for seats in the stadium this fall were announced by the H.A.A. on Friday as new freshmen and returning veterans swarmed into Cambridge for registration.

Winning house in the draw was Lowell, giving the Bellboys first choice of the five sections on the west side of the playing field. Next out of the goldfish bowl was Kirkland, followed by Leverett and Dunster. Fifth spot went to Winthrop, sixth to Adams, and seventh to commuting students. Eliot drew eighth place and the least favored seats.

The Yard Halls were not in the drawings, and will be assigned an area down close to the playing field.

Assignments for all eight groups do not very much as to position along the yard markers, but rather in distance up from the playing field. In the past, sections one half to two-thirds up the concrete steps have been most sought after.

Each undergraduate is entitled to one season seat in the area allotted his house, season seat in the area allotted his house, but additional pairings for individual games may be obtained the week before the contest by turning in the ticket to the H.A.A. which will furnish the requested number of seats in another section. The H.A.A. emphasizes the point that the exchange seats will not be quite as favorable as those in the regular undergraduate sections. Ticket sales begin today in the H.A.A. office beneath the Freshman Union.
