
600-Seat Dining Hall For Grad Students to Begin Serving Today

Partial relief from long eating-lines at College dining halls is expected today, with the opening of a cafeteria for graduate students in the Vanserg Building. Located on Divinity Avenue, the new dining hall will accommodate 600 people at one time.

Although this is the first time graduate students in School of Arts, and Sciences and in the Law School will have their own University-operated eating hall, the Vanserg Building, formerly the Radio Research Laboratory, at one time housed an emergency cafeteria, and has now received entirely new equipment.

Contracts on a 21-meal basis, similar to the prevailing plan in the Houses and undergraduate dining halls, will be available to the diners. Wives of married students may also cat in the dining hall but must purchase their meals from coupon books. Registration for both is now being conducted at the cafeteria.

The hours of service are $ to 9:30 o'clock for breakfast, 12 to 1:30 for lunch, and 5:30 to 6:30 for dinner.

In past years, graduate students were expected to find their meals at commercial restaurants. More recently they have been allowed to eat at the Union and at the Houses, if in residence.
