
Freshman, Third Football Outlook Muddled As Yet

Revision in League Rules for Eligibility of Frosh Veterans Confuses Pre-Season Picture

For the first time since suspension of formal athletics four years ago, freshmen will have a football squad of their own this fall. Along with that team will be an active Jayvee eleven in the biggest gridiron hodgepodge in recent history.

The mixup stems from the recently passed Ivy League eligibility requirements, which go only about halfway back from wartime relaxation to the old prewar dictum of "no freshmen on the varsity squad." The hitch comes in the ruling that all veteran first-year men will be permitted to play varsity ball, despite a general policy return to the "upperclassmen only" idea.

When Harlow Trims

Thus, when Coach Harlow trims his Varsity into pre-game shape, cutting the squad down to approximately 40, veteran freshmen who failed to make the grade will have to choose between the Freshman, and Junior Varsity squads--they'll be eligible for either, and coaches Henry Lamar and Chief Boston of the respective aggregations are gazing at each other with jaundiced eye in anticipation of cut-throat competition for players.

That Lamar tutors the boxing team in addition to the freshmen, and Boston the wrestlers, has struck the imagination of happy onlookers. But secret sources figure that a large number of proficient non-vet entering men may prevent the battle from coming to a showdown.


Nothing has been heard from most of these "civilian" freshmen as yet, and the coaches are appealing to all those interested in football to report at Briggs Cage Monday at 2:30, then sign up and draw equipment any time during the rest of the afternoon. The invitation goes, of course, not only for freshmen, but for all football players who have not yet been around for pre-season practice.

With very few of the non-veterans heard from, the Freshman squad has not yet reached a stage where estimates of its calibre are possible. Coach Lamar has done no more toward working up an actual eleven than note the names of a handful of men who have showed up well against Varsity competition in pre-season drills.

Brookline High's Harold Moffie looks from his performances of the past week like a sure bet for a starting post in the backfield. Small, but fast and very shifty, Moffie has been tearing off consistent long gains in informal scrimmages. Howard Reed of Andover and John Whitaker of English High have been showing up at tackle slots, as has Shipwreek Kelly at guard.

In the main, however, Lamar has made no real plans. And Boston is in the same boat with the Jayvees--who will not be constituted officially until today or tomorrow, when Harlow pares his squad into fighting shape. About all both coaches know at the moment is that the Yales won't be around until November 22.
