Appointed recently to the position of Dean at Norwich University in Vermont, Richard A. Waite, assistant Dean of the College and Graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House, is preparing to leave the University and take his new post in September.
In addition to his job as Dean, Waite will also serve as professor of History, the field in which he received his doctorate here in 1945.
Norwich is the State Military College of Vermont and is located at Northfield. It has an enrollment of over 400 and it is noted for its Engineering School.
Waite graduated from the University of Chicago and studied here in 1938 receiving his M.A. that year. Since then he has worked in the Dean's office and in Phillips Brooks House while working for his Ph.D.
During his tenure or guiding PBH, Waite saw the organization, drastically curtailed in scope throughout the war, resume its social service activities in an expansion of existing committees.
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