
Twenty-Six Appointed To Instruction, Study, Administrative Staffs

Concurrently with 25 other appointments to teaching, research, and administrative posts in the University, Leonard J. Currie, G.S.D. '38, was today named assistant professor of Architecture. All appointments are effective immediately.

Two women, the Misses Kathryn A. Tew and Elizabeth A. Lockwood, were included in the University announcement as they were advanced to assistant and research fellow in Nutrition, respectively.

Others nominated were William C. L. Wheaton as a lecturer on Regional Planning, Hugh Cabot '26 as research fellow at the Business School, Monroe S.Carroll, a professor of Finance at Baylor University, as visiting Fellow at the Business School, and Charles F. Mosteller as lecturer on Social Relations and research associate in the laboratory of Social Relation.

Edmund W. Pugh, Jr. was named Assistant Dean of the Business School, James R. Tightower, instructor in Chinese, William Hung visiting lecturer on Far Eastern Languages, and Kenneth Kuan-Sheng Ch'en research fellow in Far Eastern languages.

Diogenes J. Angelakos was appointed teaching fellow in Applied Physics; Kiyo Tomiyasu and Peter L. Harbury were named to similar positions in the Physics department.


New appointees also include Harold C. Harrison to research fellow in Mineralogy, Robert E. Olson, to instructor in Nutrition, and Bertram D. Donn to teaching fellow in Astronomy.

James B. Meredith and Howard L. Parsons were named teaching follows in Romance Languages; Tore Gjelsvik, of the University of Oslo, Norway, research fellow in Mineralogy; Benjamin Paul, research fellow in Sociology; Frederick Wyatt, research associate in clinical Psychology; Frank B. Greehe, D.N. '39, Dentist in the Hygiene Department; and Lloyd C. Harper, associate in Physical Training to the Hygiene Department and the Harvard Athletic Association.
