
Council Investigation Group Holds First Meeting Monday

Probe Begins as Last of Six House Members Is Elected; Will Present Plan in Fall

Election of six members to requirement their respective Houses on the committee for investigation of Student Council activities have been completed, and the sponsors of the committee have announced that the first meeting will be held Monday evening, at a time and place to be stated.

Meeting in their common room Tuesday night, the members of Winthrop House offered their own reorganization proposals and chose George R. Hooper '45 to represent their group. In a noon time election at Lowell House Thursday, Marvin S. Traub '46 was picked as committeeman from Adams House.

In addition to the House members, the committee includes Charles Sellers, Jr. '45, president of the Harvard Liberal Union, Robert Koehl '44, chairman of the student activities committee of the American Veterans committee, and Joseph H. Sharlitt '45, Assistant Editorial Chairman of the CRIMSON.

Plans to include Dudley Hall, the commutor's center, are yet amorphous; but Sellers, who is in charge of arranging the meetings, expressed hope that a meeting of that group could be held sometime Monday, before the committee convenes.

The findings of Sharlitt, who has made a preliminary, private investigation of the Council, were revealed at the various House meetings. It was shown that "70 percent of the Council members in the past ten years, have been club men; over one half have been from Eliot or Winthrop Houses; and more than 50 per- House Delegates Dunster  Andrew S. Crichton '45 Kirkland  Joseph D. Everingham 49 Lowell  Jack Waller, Jr. '46 Leverett  Raymond J. Considine '48 Adams  Marvin S. Traub '46 Winthrop  George R. Hooper '45

cent originally held office appointments in their Freshman Class."


The committee plans a thorough study of the Council's election proceedure and fund expenditures in preparation before submitting their proposals to the entire student body for a vote of confidence
