
AYD Speakers Debate Man's Future Tonight

Meeting tonight at eight o'clock in the Lowell House common room, American Youth for Democracy members from six universities in the vicinity of Boston, Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, M.I.T., Simmons, and Tufts, will hear three speakers discuss the future of mankind as applied to their particular fields.

Professor Harrison Harley of Simmons College will take on the future of Liberalism; Otis Hood, chairman of the New England Communist Party, on that of Communism; and Reverend Fletcher of Tufts Theological Seminary, on religious progress. Wendell Furry, associate professor of Physics and tutor in the Department of Physics, will serve as chairman of the forum.

Harry A. Mendelsohn '47, acting New England Director of the Intercollegiate Division A.Y.D., on his summer vacation, has arranged the meeting. After their formal talks, the speakers will question each other's views, and then the audience Will be asked to participate in the discussion.
