
47 Men Pass Second 'Step' Test, Two Fail

In six weeks, 47 men, who had failed the cardio-vascular physical efficiency, or "step," test in June, have advanced their scores to an average of 25 points per man and all but two have definitely passed the test, Norman W. Fradd, assistant director of Physical Training, announced yesterday.

The group, which had scored less than the 65 passing figure and averaged only 47 on the initial test, has been undergoing the rigorous exercise program in the special exercise room on the top door of Dillon Field House under the direction of James M. Cox, coach and trainer.

Results of the second test given last week showed an advance to an average of 72, and one man set a record for improvement with a jump from 25 to 77. Bradd was well pleased with the results and commented that, "It shows what a title exercise will do."

Widely used during the war in Army and Navy pre-flight training, the test was developed six years ago by Dr. Lucien Brouha, formerly a physiologist in the Savant Study's fatigue laboratory.

Originally known as the Pack Test, and given with a weighted pack on student's back on a four inch step, it is now called the Harvard Step Test, and the pack system has been eliminated while the step has been increased to 10 inches.
