
The Mail

To the Editor of the Crimson:

Apropos of the recent controversy in the Crimson between the Editors and Mr. Koblitz on the question of increased government subsistence to veterans, I think both parties will agree that part of the solution lies in keeping prices down.

The OPA Decontrol Board is considering at the very moment this question-whether or not to reestablish price ceilings on such items as milk, meat, and grains. Chairman of the Board, Roy L. Thompson, has reported that to date he has received few letters from individuals favoring such control.

If you want to be able to get along on the government cheeks now or even with an increase, write at once to MR. Roy Thompson, Federal Reserve System offices, 20th and Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. (Mrs.) Judith Emmanuel,   Wife of a Student
