
House Delegates Discuss Reforms In Council Probe

Initial Session in Lowell Names Considine Chairman; Opens Study of Old Constitution

Raymond J. Considine '48 of Leverett House was elected chairman of the committee for investigation of Student Council activities at the group's first official meeting last evening in Lowell House J-22.

The committee then proceeded to read the present Student Council Constitution, as yet unratified by the student body, and to suggest changes in Article One, which concerns election proceedure.

The delegates unanimously agreed that the Council should be placed "on a House basis, with House meetings to discuss Student Council issues." A tentative plan was organized whereby elections would be held twice yearly, in May and February, with eight representatives from the Houses and Dudley Hall and three men from the Yard chosen at each time.

Plan 22 Members

This plan would set the permanent number of Council members at 22, but it was felt that any move to make the Council more representative of the student body would necessitate a larger group.


It was decided that the three University housing areas should have representation on the investigation committee, and Considine and Julius Rabin '46, American Veterans Committee delegate in the absence of Robert Keohl '44, were appointed to investigate the possibilities of arranging a meeting for that group.

Dudley Hall, the commuters' center, will meet at 12:15 o'clock today to elect its representative and the committee urges all commuters who are not otherwise employed at that time to be there.
