
Vet Office Interprets New Allowance Plan

For veterans who are wondering what is to become of any government tuition allowances they do not use in the summer term, Wilbur J. Bender, Counsellor for Veterans, revealed yesterday the plan his office had adopted.

Excess allowances can be carried over from one term to another only within a given school year. Veterans entering for the first time under Public Law 346 this summer will receive a total tuition allowance of $437.50 for this school year terminating at the end of the Fall Term, and if they do not use all the tuition allowances within that time, they forfeit the difference. A similar procedure is followed by those under Public Law 16.

If the veteran's tuition expenses run over the normal allowance of $500.00, he can have those excess expenses paid by the government. This figure is subtracted from his total time allowance at the rate of one day for every $2.10 used over the normal allowance.

Similarly a veteran can receive subsistence remuneration if he wishes to take a vacation sometime before graduation, but then he loses tuition allowances in like proportion. His vacation time is determined as it was in the service: a given number of days study entitles him to a few days vacation with pay.
