More than 40 candidates have answered Coach Jaakko Mikkola's summer call for track hopefuls, and practices are being held daily, even though no meets have been scheduled. These workouts, short and not too strenuous, are designed to help inexperienced newcomers and develop fresh talent while keeping the old hands in shape.
Reluctant to make any definite forecasts so early in the year, Mikkola revealed that Irv Prelusky has displayed great promise putting the shot. Dave Murray's prowess with the javelin also received an enthusiastic boost.
Cross-Country Preparation
Most important right now on the track scene is the turn-out for cross country. Competition will begin next October, and Mikkola said that the distance men who wait for the opening of the fall term in September will be seriously handicapped. Work in July will consist of short runs along the river, but later in August, the coach plans to lead his forces over the hills and dales of Medford.
The last cross-country team of pre-war days set a high standard for this year's aggregation to follow. In 1942, the Mikkolamen placed second in the heptagonals in New York. In the same year, Harvard upset two highly favored rivals in taking a triangular meet from Yale and Princeton.
Six intercollegiate contests are scheduled for next autumn, in addition to the heptagonals, highlighted by clashes with Yale and Princeton.
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