
Crimson Nine Splashes Squantum, 7 to 5

Varsity Scores Three Runs in Fourth in Moravec's First Mound Victory This Season

Sparked by a three run rally in the fourth, the Crimson nine easily beat the Squantum Naval Air Base squad 7 to 5 on the sailor's home grounds yesterday in an abbreviated seven inning contest.

Credit for the win went to Vince Moravec, who pitched the first five innings before the brisk ocean breezes cooled him off. He was shifted to left field and Croft finished the mound chores for the day.

The big inning for the Crimson was the three-run fourth. Charlie Senseney led off the frame with a bingle to right field. He stole second, and Bob Peterson drove him in with a long double to left field. Bob Carlson singled to right scoring Peterson from second. Gentry replaced Harrege on the mound for the sailors, and struck out Ossie Keiver.

Armie Essayen hit an easy grounder to third, but the peg to second was bad and Carlson scored from first with Essayen reaching third. Ty Taylor and Bill Harford fanned, ending the inning.

Varsity Scores in First


First blood was drawn by the Crimson nine in the initial frame. Lead off man Taylor fanned. Harford walked and was advanced to third by John Fiorentino's double. Moravec hit a deep fly ball to center, and Harford scored after the catch.

Offensive highlight of the game was Fiorentino's base running. He got on base on a fielder's choice in the third. He broke for second, and the blue-jacket catcher's throw was wide of the bag and rolled into center field. He continued on to third, and as the center fielder held the ball he kept going and scored with a headlong slide into home on a close play. He scored again in the seventh on the same play except this time the second baseman missed the peg, letting it trickle through his legs into short center. Johnny also stole second in the fifth inning and advanced to third on a passed ball. But the Crimson batters couldn't bring him in and he died on third.

Harford Shines in Field

The most brilliant fielding play of the day was by Harford in the fifth. The sailors had men on first and third, when Mayers clouted a short fly into right-center field. Harford made a running one handed catch of what looked like a sure hit, and then tossed an excellent peg to catch the blue-jacket trying to score from third, retiring the side and ending the Navy's only serious threat with only two runs.

Although he walked four men and threw one wild pitch Moravec's control was a little more consistent than it was in his first game with Boston University. Croft also turned in a good job as relief hurler, fanning three men in two innings and allowing only one run and two hits.

Yesterday's win gives the nine a record of seven victories against ten set-backs since the 1946 season started in April. Although this record is for the 1946 squad, it is not the record of the present team, since only one man who started in the opener at Kings Point is on the summer roster. The sole survivor of the earlier group is its stocky catcher, Armen Essayen.

Runs batted in--Moravec, Essayan, Peterson. Stolen bases--Fiorentino 3, Senseny. Doubles--Fiorentino, Peterson. Strike out--Moravec 4, Croft 3. Base on balls--Moravec 4, Croft 1. Hits-- off Moravec 4 in 5 innings; off Croft 2 to 2 innings. Wild pitches--Moravec.

The Summary: HARVARD   ab  r  h  po  a  e Taylor, 2b  4  0  0  1  0  1 Harford, cf, 2b  2  1  0  2  1  0 Fiorentino, 1b  3  2  2  6  0  0 Moravec, p, lf  4  0  0  0  2  0 Feloney, lf  0  0  0  0  0  0 Senseney, ss  4  1  1  0  3  0 Peterson, lf, cf  1  2  1  2  0  0 Carlson, 3b  3  1  2  1  1  0 Keiver, rf  3  0  0  0  0  0 Esseyen, c  2  0  0  9  0  0 Totals  26  7  6  21  1  1

Innings  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Harvard  1  1  1  3  0  0  1--7 Squantum  1  1  0  0  2  1  0--5
