
Crimson Network Returns Tonight With First of Weekly Broadcasts

Popular and Classical Music To Be Featured in Tuesday Shows From Dudley Studios

Contrary to its original plans, the Crimson Network is returning to the air tonight at 7 o'clock for the first of a series of weekly broadcasts to be continued throughout the remainder of the summer term.

When the College's radio station went off the air at the beginning of exam period in May, there was considerable doubt among the officers of the station that it would be possible to operate this summer with the small staff expected to return. With nine men now on hand they expect to broadcast every Tuesday evening from 7 to 11:30 o'clock and may shortly increase their activities and operate on Thursday evenings as well.

Frankel Heads Staff

Under the leadership of Kenneth R. Frankel '45, business manager of the station, the small staff plans to send out the usual jazz and classical concerts as well as rebroadcasts of dramatic programs and celebrity interview shows of last term. They have not, as yet, decided whether they are going to have a news summary program.

The only major innovation contemplated for this summer is a request classical music program, to be played from the studio's large record collection.


The program for tonight will feature a rebroadcast of an Eddie Condon jazz concert, the Mozart Piano Concerto number 17 in G major, and ballads by Burl Ives.

Started in 1940, the network shortly ran into serious technical difficulties because its broadcasts, which were going over the steam radiator pipes, reached too far to comply with Federal Communications Commission regulations. Not to be discouraged the operators started again in September 1941, this time over the electric wiring system, and have been broadcasting successfully ever since. In 1945 the studio was moved from the condemned Sheppard Hall to the present location in the basement of Dudley Hall.

Improvements Planned

This summer the technical staff is working on improvements in reception in some of the houses. These operations have made necessary the limited broadcasting time which the staff has planned.

The Network has announced that their summer program will not reach Stillman Infirmary and will not tie in with the Radcliffe station, which is closed for the summer.

In the fall the full program schedule will be resumed and there will be a competition for the staff at that time.
