
The Mail

To the Editors of the Crimson:

In your issue of June 28 you printed a letter concerning the Food Conservation Program. I am heartily in accord with the writer of that letter but would go even further on one point. That is the selection of the people who will receive this food.

Not much over a year ago the "poor, starving German Burghers" were busy with the erection of roadblocks, laying mines, stringing road cables to decapitate drivers and sniping at American soldiers. Then when they were certain that the Americans were there to stay, waving white flags and vociferously claiming to anyone foolish enough to listen that they were never Nazi. "Ich nicht Nazi" were the first words you heard on entering a town. Now these people have the whole world sorry for them. They aren't getting enough to eat. Neither are the Greeks, Dutch, Belgians, Polish, Yugoslavians, Chinese and others who have fought on our side. What kind of allies are we that we feed our enemies the food that our allies need to prevent starvation!

Let us feed our allies first, our enemies last or we will not have any allies. The Axis powers ate while the rest of Europe starved; it's about time the tables were turned. Don't let us again be deceived by German collaboration. The average German could have taught Quisling a great deal of his own game. Ask any "doggie" from the ETO about that. Hugh McCaffrey '45.
