
O'Connor Paces Field As Track Team Holds Its First Time Trials

Former Mikkolamen Join Vets To Bolster Autumn Prospects

In the first cross country track trial of the summer yesterday, Bill O'Connor paced a field of 11 long-distance men with a time of 10:06 for 1.9 miles.

Jaakko Mikkola, track coach, said that the men looked fairly good for the amount of time they have been working. He said that since most of the men are veterans, they are still spending a lot time shaking out GI kinks.

Tim Coggeshall and Herbie Pratt, former members of the 1942 squad, both turned in favorable times, but Mikkola says that neither of them is in top running shape yet.

Still Looking For New Prospects

Mikkola said that he was still looking for new prospects for the cross country squad, since most of the men this year are beginners and none of the positions on the fall squad are certain yet.


Although the accent during the summer work-outs is on distance, Mikkola is also working with men in the other events. Some of these men will get their first taste of competition in the Scotch Picnic at Russels Field in Cambridge.

An Old Proving Ground

This meet, to be held on August 10, is an old proving ground for Harvard track men. Although participation in the meet is voluntary, Mikkola is trying to get as many men as possible to enter it.

The throwing events hold the most interest for future Harvard track stars. Dave Murray is doing exceptionally well with the javelin and John Thorndike is giving the discus long rides on these hot summer afternoons.
