
Eliot Janitor Travels Long Arduous Detour To Faculty

Former members of Eliot House, who must wait until the fall term to return to their beloved domain, will be glad to hear that Martin Ratchford, janitorial major dome, is keeping an eye on their property. But Ratchford's getting worried.

Hanging his hat on the weeping willow tree and brushing the lawn from his eyes the other day, Ratchford recalled the sage advice given him by the late Roger Bigelow Merriam, original Eliot House Master. "Ratchford," Merriam declared, "the way to get to be a full professor here is to stay around the College. If you're here long enough, you're bound to get an endowed chair." So Ratchford heeded the tip, and began to wait hopefully for the inevitable day. He's still bucking for section man.
