Convening this morning in the Littauer School of Public Administration at 10:00 o'clock, the University's Conference on Educational Administration will begin a three-day session.
More than 110 superintendents of schools and other educators throughout the New England area are expected to be on hand for the opening meeting. John W. Studebaker, United States Commissioner of Education, and Representative Chester E. Merrow (R.), New Hampshire will be speakers at two of the evening sessions to be held at the Commander Hotel.
Discuss Elementary School Today
Sponsored by the Graduate School of education, theme of the conference is, "Where We Are; Where We Are Going." Included in the conference will be the regular annual meeting of the New England School Development Council on Wednesday afternoon.
This afternoon the topic before the conference will be, "Tomorrow's Elementary School and Its Challenge to School Administrative Leadership." Wednesday's meeting will discuss "The Nation, the States and the Schools," and Representative Merrow will address the group on "UNESCO: A Challenge to Educational Leadership," in the evening session.
Stoke Gives Final Speech
The final luncheon meeting on Thursday will be presided over by Paul H. Buck, Provost of the University. Harold W. Stoke, President of the University of New Hampshire, is to give the final speech, "A College President Looks at Public Education."
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