
Over the Wire

By United Press--July 1

ABOARD U.S.S. MT. MCKINLEY IN BIKINI LAGOON, TUESDAY--The atom bomb test explosion sank or damaged half of the 73-ship target fleet in Bikini Lagoon but failed to kill some of the goats left aboard the battleship Pennsylvania and fish still were swimming pla- cidly today in radioactive waters.

In history's fourth explosion of nature's fissionable elements, this time a precise, scientific evaluation of the bomb's destructive force applied to naval surface craft riding "dead duck" at close anchorage, three ships went down, a fourth was missing and 32 others were scorched, set afire or twisted in hull or superstructure.

Rear Admiral Thorvald A. Solberg, in command of the target ship's salvage operation, ordered his crews away from the light carrier Independence, hardest hit of the big ships, because Geiger counters indicated the waters contained radio-activity five times greater than a human being could safely endure
