
Vengeful Varsity Meets B.U. On Terriers' Diamond Today

Samborski Shifts Line-Up for Greater Batting Power and Changers Crimson Infielders

With an eye to avenging their earlier 12 to 6 defeat at the hands of Boston. University this summer, the Varsity nine will trot on the Nickerson Field green sward at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Either Vince Moravee or Johnny Connolly is slated to do the moundwork in today's till. Moravee has started all of the Crimson summer games with a record of two wins and one defeat.

Moravee has been constantly improving with each start. In his first start against B.U. Vince was very erratic in his control. The first two of the Terriers' tallies that day came as the result of his walking three men in the second inning.

But against Squantum Naval Air Base his control was good until the fifth. During the fifth his arm got cooled off by the stiff sea breezes and Coach Adolph Samborski lifted him.

Against Bowdoin last Saturday Moravec was generous with bases on balls, but seemed to be able to settle down when the Polar Bears got men on bases.


B.U.'s Skein On Block

Today's game will put Boston University's five game winning streak on the block, and a better Crimson nine than the one which began that streak will try to end it.

Samborski said that he will field a team which will embody a little experimentation. When questioned at practice yesterday, he said that he intended to try Herb Neal at short. Neal has been clouting the ball hard in practice and hit two long blows in the Bowdoin game. He also has shown a lot of pep and fire in his play around the pivot position during practice.

Another of Samborski's wizardries may shift Bob Carison over to the left garden from the position in the sunfield in the last till. Crawford "Call-me-Carl" Hurbbell will take over the stand in right unless he is called on to help out on the mound. Bill Harford, who has been hitting with increasing regularity, will round out the Crimson gardens.

Except for Neal at short, the Varsity infield will remain pretty much the same as against Bowdoin, with John Fiorentino at first, Charlie Senseney at second, and Tom Sullivan at the hot corner. Armie Essayen will probably do the backstopping chores.
